Back British Metals Initiative

Asks for policy makers

We are asking for a long-term approach and commitment from all political parties to create the underlying conditions to strengthen and grow investment in the UK’s metals and critical materials industries.  This is not about one-off hand outs and subsidies, but building an environment in the UK which develops these industries and enables them to thrive for decades to come.


Secure stable, low carbon energy for the industry at a competitive cost / price relative to comparable economies

Continue to encourage growth in UK renewables and low carbon energy facilities (such as hydrogen) for industrial applications


Consider metals and materials supply chains in new sector-based and/or free trade agreements, including with the European Union

Support local and national government procurement policies which recognise the value of sourcing from domestic suppliers throughout the supply chain

Skills and Research

Invest in technical education and training to ensure the UK workforce has the skills to work in these key industries

Continue and expand the links between fundamental research and industry, funding the transition from research and innovation to industrial applications

Recycling and the circular economy

Expand and develop new processing centres for recycled ‘secondary’ low carbon metals and critical materials in the UK

Ensure more domestically generated scrap is recycled and processed in the UK

Planning, investment and Infrastructure

Free up the planning system to enable expanded and new metals and critical materials facilities – from mining, to processing, to manufacturing – to be built in an efficient timescale

Invest in UK ports, roads, rail and other infrastructure to promote investment supply chains and exports

Proactively encourage domestic and overseas investment to establish and expand metals and critical materials facilities in the UK

More Information & How to get involved

If you would like to support or learn more about the Back British Metals Initiative please get in touch.